Tuesday, August 18, 2015

What a day.

Today was a mixed bag. Work was stressful and somewhat disheartening. I miss my kids and I want them back, regardless of how irritating they were. They were sweet and they loved me and that feeling was mutual. These new babies are too needy and unappreciative, which sounds ridiculous because they're not even a year old yet, but I just can't handle another day like today. Well...I can, I just don't want to. So, there's that. That being said, being at home was restful and relaxing. The carpet is coming along and looking fabulous. I'm really glad this idea worked because my carpet was looking awful. And yes, while I could vacuum more often, I do not think that is the only answer. That dog sheds like a beast and I can't keep up with it by simply vacuuming. Anyway. I have so much to do. It's really tempting to take a day off to do it all but I don't want to leave Lacie like that. I think she'd kill me, to be honest. The kids are so awful right now. I'd like to think that it's going to get better as time goes on, but I'm really not sure it's going to. I already don't like these kids. Like...really don't like them. I am dreading work tomorrow, which has never happened at this job. I hate this feeling because it means I'm not enjoying it anymore. God help me. Help me to love these kids the same way I loved my previous class. Help me to nurture and care for them the same way I nurtured & cared for my kiddos before. I truly cannot do this alone and I really could use some divine intervention. If we could start by tomorrow going better, that would be really nice. I should really get some sleep.

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